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Hannover University

Foto: Hochschule Hannover

Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts – we prepare students for the working worlds of tomorrow

With around 10,000 students, Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HsH) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Lower Saxony. HsH offers than 60 degree courses at five faculties with a wide range of qualifications in computer sciences and engineering, design and media, business economics and social studies. There are also many different variations available to students to tailor their courses precisely to their individual needs and requirements, as well as a number of stand-alone dual study models and also part-time and on-the-job degree courses.

HsH offers its students future-oriented, interdisciplinary qualifications that enable them to make a contribution to successful transformation processes in society. The wealth of experience that the university lecturers bring from pro­fessional and entrepreneurial practice flows straight into their teaching and thus into academic careers. Hannover ­University of Applied Sciences and Arts is an important transfer and innovation partner that cultivates contacts with many companies and institutions to offer graduates pro­mising career prospects. Students interested in starting up their own business receive tailor-made advice at HsH when it comes to implementing their business ideas. A comprehensive further education programme also promotes life-long learning.

Research and development at Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Research and development at HsH is application-oriented and geared to the specific challenges of entrepreneurial practice. Current research priorities address the needs of society and industry, resulting in a wide range of cooperation and joint development projects with external partners.

At Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts, research is pursued on a regional and national scale, with an active networking policy. Economical, ecological, social and digital transformation forms the future-oriented focus of applied research at HsH, together with knowledge and technology transfer. Five interdisciplinary research clusters are dedicated to current cross-faculty topics:

Industry 4.0 – applied research into the digital transformation of small and medium-sized businesses
The in-depth application and use of information technology asso­ciated with this research cluster leads to clear changes in industrial ­value ­creation. The research cluster looks into questions involved in ­im­plementing Industry 4.0 in firms and companies, supporting them in the framework of joint research projects.
Energy – mobility – processes: sustainability through interdisciplinary networking and optimisation Energie
This research cluster addresses the future of energy supplies together with sustainable e-mobility and energy-efficient engineering processes, with the aim of promoting new application-oriented solutions and developments.
Sustainable food quality
The security of food supplies, food safety, food quality, convenience and sustainability are the central aspects of research that are closely ­integrated in this research cluster, while also taking account of the needs of the food industry. The focus is on optimising food technology processes also in terms of making efficient use of energy and resources.
Smart Data Analyticsintelligent data analysis in a connected worldSmart Data Analytics
The economic and social significance of data has turned Smart Data into one of the most important issues for the global future. Access to data and the ability to ensure expedient provision and evaluation of such data are crucial competition factors in digital value creation. The challenge consists in using and analysing the extremely large quantities of available data.
Analysing and shaping diversity – participation and a good life
Old age and poverty in old age, homelessness, discrimination in the education system or the marginalisation of whole segments of the ­population are the urgent social issues behind the research cluster. In ­cooperation with the Institute for Applied Health, Education and ­Social Research (GBS), interdisciplinary research teams analyse and look into relevant questions about democracy, participation and social interaction. Contact:

Foto: Hochschule Hannover
Photo: Hochschule Hannover

Other research institutes at Hannover University of Applied ­Sciences and Arts include:

IfBB – Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites
IfBB focuses on plastic and fibre composite technology. The institute pursues research into all aspects of biomaterials and offers key competences in the areas of material development and simulation of (bio)plastics and recycled plastics for new applications, process technology and processing, material testing, circular economy, sustainability assessments and knowledge transfer. Together with the Fraunhofer Application Centre for Wood Fibre Research HOFZET of the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz Institute, timber and plastics experts work together to produce new materials and applications for hybrid (bio-)fibre composites. Particular priority is given to lightweight solutions that save energy and resources.

IVEK – Institute of Process Engineering, Energy Engineering and Climate Protection
IVEK offers process engineering and energy system solutions and ­develops or optimises industrial processes, taking the use of energy and resources into account. Priority is given to the provision, efficient ­conversion and best possible distribution of energy, giving due consi­deration to respective energy resource availability, particularly in terms of renewable energies. IVEK is primarily active in the field of „sus­tainable management and energy“, whereby socio-economic aspects are also included.

IKME – Institute of Engineering Design, Mechatronics and Electromobility
The Institute of Engineering Design, Mechatronics and Electromobi­lity (IKME) pursues research into construction and machine elements, mechatronics and control engineering together with electrical machines and drive engineering.

Foto: Hochschule Hannover
With around 10,000 students, Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HsH) is one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Lower Saxony. Photo: Hochschule Hannover

Transfer & innovation for the economy

Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts offers ideal prere­quisites for expanding application-oriented research and the transfer of knowledge and technology. Valuable contacts and partnerships with companies and academic and public institutions have already led to the development of many innovations with subsequent transfer from ­applied research into practice.

The Entrepreneurship Centre NEXSTER gives HsH an outstanding, multiple award-winning structure which in future will focus par­ticularly on driving start-ups in the social and STEM sectors. To this end, HsH strives to ensure that the entrepreneurial mindset is well ­established in all faculties and in all advanced training, with the declared aim of transferring innovation and start-up expertise into the city and surrounding region.

Acquiring new skills and expertise is being demanded and encouraged almost everywhere, partly due to comprehensive transformation processes in the economy and society, but also due to the increasing skills shortage. HsH is therefore systematically expanding its long-standing successful academic advanced training and has set up its own “HsH Academy”. This will be a place of life-long learning in response to the demand for qualifications in the Hannover region, with a focus on management and leadership, technology and digital transformation, health and care, consultation, therapy and training together with per­sonality and communication.

The Green Office has been set up to ensure that sustainability is firmly embedded at HsH, with the medium- and long-term aim of turning HsH into a climate-friendly university. Sustainability is also a central factor in the ongoing development of the degree courses at all faculties of Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The Fashion ­Design course for instance includes Slow Fashion for sustainable, aware fashion. It describes the transition to more responsibility and respect for people and the environment and a changed awareness of the product, its origins and one’s own behaviour as a consumer. Slow Fashion means deceleration, for environment-friendly production and selection of raw materials, for sustainable production and top quality processing, for fair retailing, and for the use and durability of clothing.

Some topics are offered across various different degree courses, in­cluding climate-neutral energy supply in mechanical engineering, waste avoidance and CO2 reduction in production processes in the design courses, sustainability management/communication in public relations and communication management or holistic sustainability knowledge and basic economic principles of sustainable management in business economics.

Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts: an overview

Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts is an application-oriented future workshop for digital, social, ecological and economic transformation with a central role in the city and surrounding region. It gives students promising forward-looking education opportunities with a focus on the working worlds of tomorrow, thus making an important contribution to transfer between university and business, politics and civil society.

• Students: ≈ 10,000
• Range of courses: > 60 >
• Dual degree courses: 8
• Faculties: 5
• Sites: 5

The faculties of Hannover University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Teaching and research at HsH is organised in five faculties:
• Faculty I – Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
• Faculty II – Mechanical and Bioprocess Engineering
• Faculty III – Media, Information and Design
• Faculty IV – Business and Computer Science
• Faculty V – Diaconic Studies, Health Care and Social Work

Header picture: Hochschule Hannover